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Plantar Fasciitis is a common problem for many people. According to the website, it is “one of the most common causes of heel pain.”1 Inflammation is cited as the primary cause of the “stabbing pain that occurs with your first steps in the morning.”1

Plantar fasciitis has been found to have related issues such as2:

  • Achilles tendon tightness
  • Flat feet or high arches
  • Arch problems
  • Micro-tears
  • Scar tissue
  • Bone spurs

Many people suffering from plantar fasciitis pain spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars a year on orthotics, special shoes, night splints and medication to help alleviate the pain.

Policeman’s Heel2

As recent as the 1950’s and 1960’s policeman would walk their neighborhoods during daily patrols. Hours a day walking in what were likely not so comfortable shoes may have led to the painful inflammation of the heel that was dubbed “policeman’s heel.” As police beats moved from being pedestrian to vehicle-focused, seeing a policeman on a walking tour of a neighborhood has become far less common than policeman’s heel (plantar fasciitis).

Things That Initially Ease Pain

Whether you are a former (or current) walking patrolman, or someone who has spent way too much time standing or walking, the sharp, stabbing pain of plantar fasciitis can be debilitating. Initially, we can do simple things to help ease the pain such as:

  • Find comfortable shoes that cushion and support the foot properly
  • Avoid high heels and improperly fitting shoes
  • Rest
  • Stretch (guided by appropriate physio-therapist)
  • Ice

Myofascial Release and Plantar Fasciitis

Myofascial release increases recovery rates by providing soft tissue release in and around the afflicted area. As part of an overall treatment plan, MFR helps reduce pain, improve movement of the connected tissues and reduce overall tension in the heel and leg.

Plantar Fasciitis Release

Our latest offering, Plantar Fasciitis Release, is a 30-minute session focused on releasing the myofascial tissues aggravating heel pain. In addition to regular MFR treatments, we recommend that you work with your physician to identify gentle stretches and exercises that help strengthen your muscle. Only begin those as prescribed by your physician when your heel and body are ready. As you improve, K-taping strategically to further strengthen specific muscle groups and improve movement is also an option.

Visit with your Myofascial Release Clinic therapist to determine if our Plantar Fasciitis Release offering is the right option for your health.

Reference Links


Susan McLain

Susan has been writing since she could hold a pencil in her hand. This desire to write about the world around her encouraged her to get a BS in English, specializing in technical writing. Though her career began in technical writing, she has enjoyed supporting her family using her writing skills to blog, write documentation, develop marketing programs and grow her creativity. She's written for everything from dog walking businesses to high tech pharma industry. She currently works full-time as a Program Manager with a global ad agency while writing creatively, building websites and helping small businesses grow on the side.